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(Don’t worry, you can easily add and remove pages from your order of service later on.)
Print or download
Once you’ve customised your design, you can choose to either download it as a digital copy, or have it professionally printed by us. You can make your decision during the checkout process.
PRINT SERVICE: we’ll take your customised design and professionally print it using our state-of-the-art digital printer. Once finished, we’ll pack it all up and courier deliver it to your address. For this option, we have a very smart range of cards and papers for you to choose from.
DOWNLOAD SERVICE: for a flat fee from £12.50, you can download a digital copy of your design (PDF). We offer this service for two reasons. Firstly, some customers like to go down the more affordable route of printing their stationery at home, or with a printer they already know and trust. Secondly, some customers like to email out digital invitations and designs. This option works very well for both.
The long-and-short is that we’re flexible, and we’re here for everyone! Get in touch if you’d like to find out more.
Please change your password
To keep all of our customers safe, we’re beefing up our site security. As part of this, we ask you to create a new password. It must now...:
- Be at least eight characters long
- Contain at least one upper case letter
- Contain at least one lower case letter
- Contain at least one number
- Contain at least one symbol (e.g. ! " ? $ % ^ & )